I modified a MXVI-4000 Nerf Blaster for office warfare, i wouldn't dare get into a battle without eye protection.
after moving into a new office, i inherited this blaster but it one of the safety cutoffs was broken and well who needs safety with nerf right?
after opening it up, you can see it has lots of switches for cutoffs, and regulators for the motors. since the flywheels in this thing are plastic i thought they could go a little faster.
first was to remove all the switches and extra electronics,
also i had to hardwire the motors together in two different legs, but share the ground. then dremel out the two orginal switches, one turns on the main flywheels, the second turns on the feeder wheel. wire it all together.
setup a battery feed up in the old space. then drop in a reachargable lipo battery at 11.1v which was a few volts higher than the orginal 6 D batteries (which dies just idling). it sounds like a vacume cleaner, and it will empty a large clip in less than 10 seconds. its insanely fast.
here is a video of it in action, empties the clip in less than 10 seconds.